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8 Ways to be a Great Citizen

Consider these strategies for developing an outward-facing view of the world while also inspiring others to do the same.

8 Ways to be a Great Citizen

You'll often hear people talk about how to find success in the professional world, their love life, or in the popularity stakes. But you don't often hear people talk about a desire to be a better citizen. Yet the truth is, if we all committed to doing right not by ourselves, but by our broader community, then the world would be in much better shape. Can you imagine what things would look like if we all had an outward-facing view?

Of course, that's not to say that people are bad. Most people are good. It's just that many don't understand what it takes to be a great citizen, since they don't teach it in school (or at least, not extensively) and once you're in adult life, it's rarely given a second thought. Below, we're going to take a look at some tried-and-tested ways to be a great citizen in your community. And aside from all the obvious benefits, you might just inspire other people to become better citizens, too.

Volunteer Your Time

We know, we know—when you're done with work, you'll most likely want to sit down on the couch and watch Netflix. However, there's a lot of value in volunteering your time and helping out people who are less fortunate than you are. Studies have shown that helping others can lead to a significant boost in self-esteem and happiness levels, so even though you won't be paid, you'll benefit in other ways. If you're not sure what you should volunteer for, get in touch with a local agency and ask them directly what they need. There'll likely be plenty of organizations that need help.

Support Other People

It's easy to think that any success we achieve is the result of our own unique talents and individual brilliance. But that's never the case. When you look at it critically, you'll likely find that you received a lot of direct and indirect help along the way. If you've reached a comfortable position, then consider helping other people on their journey. This could involve mentoring a young person or simply providing ongoing support to people in your family and wider circle. A good citizen will always want other people to succeed.

Learn Basic Healthcare

There's nothing better than being there for others during their time of need. This, of course, takes many different shapes. Mostly, we have a sense of duty in our private lives, when our friends and family need help. Being a good citizen involves being there for all people, whenever you can. One excellent way to do this is to learn basic healthcare, which will allow you to support people when they have a medical emergency. There are courses that'll teach you how to perform CPR and first aid—and while you'll hope that you never have to use them, if you do, you might just make a massive difference in someone's life. We often assume that other people are in control of ensuring everyone's well-being, but sometimes, we have to take that responsibility on board ourselves.

Get Involved in Community Events

A great community doesn't happen all by chance—it happens because people make it happen. If you want to see your local area be better, then look at getting involved with the organization of community events. There will likely be things taking place all year round, so you shouldn't have to wait too long before you can get stuck in. Aside from helping to bring more joy and culture to your community, this is also a fantastic way to nurture relationships with those who live around you.

And Support Local Businesses

You'll always have the option of buying whatever you need from a big-name store, but that doesn't mean you should. Communities are strengthened when there are small business owners, but they can't survive on their own—they need people to make purchases. Whenever you can, make sure you're supporting locally-owned businesses. Everyone benefits from it!

Conversing Without Hate

There's no avoiding the fact that we live in an era of division. Being a great citizen doesn't involve being right; it involves having the ability to converse with people with whom you disagree. The world would be a lot better if people could speak to others even when they hold different values. Remember, having respect for other people doesn't just mean those people you like or who are like you.

Conserve the Environment for Future Generations

Being a great citizen is about more than being kind to the people around you. It extends to all people, and all things, including your home—and by that, we mean your ultimate home, planet Earth. It's the responsibility of current humans to ensure that the next generation also has an earth that can give them a good quality of life. At the moment, that's not the case. However, there's still time to get things back and track and provide a good home for future generations.

Have a Net Positive Impact

Finally, perhaps the simplest way to ensure that you have a positive impact is to make sure that you have a net positive impact. It's not realistic to think that you'll get everything right all the time. We all make mistakes or spend time focusing on ourselves. Every now and again, it's recommended to check in with how and what you're doing. Are you generally moving in the right direction? Are you engaging in any activities that harm the community around you? If you identify something, then it'll be a simple matter of making a few adjustments.

Final Thoughts

One individual alone can't change the world, but by doing the right thing, we can help push the world in the right direction. All too often, it feels like many of us have forgotten the value of being a great citizen. Thankfully, it's not one of those things that you are or are not—you can choose to be a great citizen at any given moment, just by making a few changes.